We understand Privacy Value. This privacy policy combines all applications (Android App). This policy aims to clarify our data security policies so you can understand what information you are accessing. We gather information from you, to have the required support and customer interface. Your access, information, and reviews will be collected when you are using our apps with your approval of this privacy policy.

How to utilize the information collected:

We can only use the data to represent you better:

  • The user interface can be personalized.

  • If the user grants permission, the user may have access to the personal details of the user. This information is only saved on your computer. We do not store personal or non-personal information in any other location.

  • We will use non-personal information to help us grow our services-to obtain, manage, enhance, and expand our services.

  • For our company and marketing, we will gather and use your non-personal information, for example, to encourage or suggest more suitable applications for you.

  • Personal Data Access Device Permit: telephone consent, contact authorization, video authorization, and recording permission.

Device Permission:

  • Enable Camera: Access camera image capture.

  • Offering Service: Contact ID source. The contact ID enables you to set directly from the Application Contact Picture URI and Ringtone Audio URI.

  • Information permission: Access to store files in reading and write.

  • Approval to use standard functionality, such as a telephone service connection: approval for telephone access. To begin with, get the telephone number for calls and the latest mobile network updates. We do not store any details with phone permission.

  • SMS Allowance: Subscription to SMS for contact reading, receiving, and sending SMS messages. It can be used to copy and recall.

We use these data to locate, monitor, distribute, and specifically link to the features and functionality of our apps, email updates, and press releases. We still use this information. You also have the option of submitting service specific emails and/or notifications (e.g. account analysis, order confirmations, software update, technical details, and security updates).

How do you disclose your information:

  • Personal Details: We do not retain confidential information and do not share your details as a result.

  • Non-personal information: We do not match confidential data with personal information (such as matching your name with your mobile account number).

  • We haven't disclosed your non-personal details for advertising purposes.

  • If we store personal information, it will be stored at once without revealing To The publicly identifying information.

  • We just read the device statement and set our characteristics to include direct details from the app to the customer.


No confidential information we knowingly collect about children under the age of 18.

What kind of DATA is COLLECTED:

  • When you use our applications, if you have previously given your permission, we will capture and process the following data in whole or in part.

  • Identity-related details: for some of our applications, we can collect information from your Facebook account when you log in using Facebook: public profile (surname, forename, age, sex, email address, photo profile, hobby), list of friends.

  • Identifiers for GAID (for Android devices) and IDFA ads (for IOS devices)

  • Knowledge about the actions of our applications and, in particular, how you engage with our applications (i.e. how and where you use our apps) and the commercials we view (e.g. time spent on them, future clicks)

  • Data on geographical location (IP address)

We would also still use cookies that fit tiny files containing letters and figures downloaded from your computer when you use our applications.

The expertise is gathered by our associate, who uses external tools (software development kit or "SDK") to form an important part of the application.

The list of our partners implementing the SDK through our applications is given below:

  • Games Analytics (analytical SDK)

  • MixPanel (analytical SDK)

  • Oath (SDK advertising)

  • Ogury (SDK advertising)

  • MoPub (SDK advertising)

  • InMobi (SDK advertising)

  • AppLovin (SDK advertising)

  • Admob (SDK advertising)

  • Vidcoin (SDK advertising)

  • Vungle (SDK advertising)

  • UnityAds (SDK advertising)

  • Ironsource (SDK advertising)

  • Tapjoy (SDK advertising)

  • Adcolony (SDK advertising)

  • Facebook Audience Network (SDK advertising)

  • Mobvista (SDK advertising)

  • Fractional (SDK advertising)

  • Apponboard (SDK advertising)

  • Fyber (SDK advertising)


We compile data for the following purposes:

  • Give our requests

  • Ensure we use and develop our apps

  • Create fresh applications.

  • Understand your tastes and, through this profiling, recommend special, suitable advertisements (SDK advertisements);

  • Made use of statistics from your playing, including the number of games you play, the length of your use, or the advertisements you display, so we can enhance your gaming experience (analytical SDK).

  • Get in touch with us, especially if you contact us by some means.

The above data will be assessed in whole or in part only until we have specifically agreed with you in our applications for the purposes for which it is meant to be processed.

You will at all times disable your permission from the "Setup" tab of our different applications.

Third-Party Site:

To view information from third parties (such as information about your Facebook account), the applications, the services, and the network service interfaces are used. We can include connexions to third-party websites, such as Facebook, as a benefit for our clients. Advertisements by other firms may still be on the Web. By clicking on third-party links to the App, the Services, or the Site, you can exit the App, the Services, or the Site. While they may not manage or operate us, some of these third-party websites can be co-branded with our business name/logo or our related company logo. This Policy does not discuss the data security policies of third-party sites, whether or not connected to or otherwise accessible from the Software, the Utilities, or the Website, and we shall not be accountable for them. The usage by third parties of a link or connexion to a website does not suggest that we endorse a website from a third party.

Those who exchange the knowledge and whom you exchange:

You can not watch the actions of those for whom you share the information. Details that you share with other users can and may not be regulated by users using a program, a service, or a website (including by forums), or by the amount of information that other users use and share. We are not qualified to circumvent third-party safety measures.


For us, the protection of your information is very important. We would not collect personal information and use financial, physical, and electronic methods to prevent your non-personal information from unauthorized access and use. To prevent unwanted access to or use of impenetrable, non-personal information, please be aware that we do not take any security precautions to secure your information.


We warn you not to give us any sensitive personal information (e.g. racial or ethnic origin, political beliefs, religion or any other ideology, health, sexual orientation, criminal background, or membership in previous groups, such as labor union activity) on or around a Submission, the Services or the Website or otherwise.


The Services or the Email ID videostatussaver1@gmail.com If you have any questions or comments about this policy or our privacy policies or find any breach of the access policy or abuse.

TO PRIVACY Reveal TO THIS Agreement:

From time to time we can update our Privacy Policy, and we will post changes to the Privacy Policy on this website. In these cases, we can offer additional forms to inform you of changes or improvements.

If you do not consent to any changes, you have no alternative but to automatically refuse to use all software, the Facilities, and the Web. Unless any changes are introduced to this Agreement, you shall conform to the current Agreement on the continuous use of any application, system, or network. Please notice that none of our managers or officers are allowed to amend any of our regulations.


You should contact us by email at the address below about this Privacy Statement:

Email: videostatussaver1@gmail.com

Thank You.


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